Forests provide a wide variety of social and economic benefits. These include contributions to the overall economy, for example, through employment, processing and trade of forest products and energy –and investments in the forest sector. In this programme, research on nature tourism, forest recreation, and related socio-economic studies, as well as urban forestry, will be undertaken to evaluate the social and economic importance of these activities provided by the forests.
Forest Recreation
Social Science
Forest Socio-Economics – Nature Tourism – Forest Recreation – Urban Forestry
Forest Socio-Economics
1. A socio-economic evaluation of Sabah’s Permanent Forest Estate (PFE)
2. Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
3. Socio Economic Evaluation of Forest Adjacent Communities
Nature Tourism
1. Evaluation of the ecotourism potential of selected forest reserves in Sabah
2. Survey on the interesting forest trails in Sabah
3. Economy contribution from bird watching activity at the major bird watching locations in Sabah
Forest Socio-Economics Programme
Head of Programme