Forest plantations are expected to play an increasingly important role as an alternative source of future timber and other forest resources. Forest plantation development using fast-growing trees and suitable species attracts great interest in the tropics, where natural forests have been severely degraded. This programme will focus on timber and non-timber plantation silviculture, breeding, seed procurement, improvement of plantation species (including biotechnology), pests and diseases, nutritional studies and agroforestry. It also includes community engagement on technical advice and supply of planting materials.
Tree Breeding
Plantation Silviculture – Tree Breeding – Seed Procurement – Non Timber Plantation – Agroforestry – Insect Pests & Diseases – Improvement of Plantation Species (biotech) – Nutritional Studies
1. Taxa trial of fast-growing selected potential plantation species
2. Silvicultural trial (spacing, pruning & thinning) and herbivory predation prevention
3. Study on Sesendok (Endospermum diadenum) growth in the wild and mother trees selection
4. Insect pests of forest plantation trees and potentially important trees in Sabah
5. Insects associated with Dipterocarpaceae and Fagaceae
6. Insects associated with urban forestry
7. Occurrence of diseases in forest plantations
Tree Breeding
1. Provenance/progeny trial of selected plantation species
2. Conversion of existing research trials into seed production areas & experimenting the use of chemicals/fertilizers to trigger flowering/fruiting
3. Seedlings growth and performances on selected potential forest plantation species in the nursery
4. Growth performances of Laran Merah (Neolamarckia macrophylla) cutting materials in the field
5. Phenological study on the targeted plantation species
6. Improved seed technology study to produce quality seeds
7. Micropropagation of potential species of interests for plantation programme research purposes
Extension Service
Technical services to stakeholders
Forest Plantation Programme
Head of Programme